
Welcome to my website! I work as an associate professor at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where I have the undeserved honour of coordinating the Cognition, Attention and Learning Lab. My research interests include different aspects of learning, memory and decision making, with a particular focus on implicit learning and unconscious cognition. I am also interested in meta-analytic methods and meta-research. You can find copies of my papers and links to my research profiles in the Publications tab of this website. I joined UAM in 2016 thanks to a generous fellowship from the madrI+D science foundation. Previously, I had been a PhD student (2001-2005) and lecturer (2005-2012) at Universidad de Deusto, postdoctoral researcher at University College London (2012-2014), and lecturer at King’s College London (2014-2016). I have been visiting researcher at SUNY-Binghamton, UNSW-Sydney, Universiteit Gent, and UCL, and guest lecturer at the graduate schools of Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad de Granada, Universitat Jaume I, Universidad de Nebrija, and Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, among others. I am the current president of the Spanish Society for Experimental Psychology (SEPEX), and former board member of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision-Making Studies (SEJyD) and the Spanish Society for Comparative Psychology (SEPC). Since January 2024, I contribute to the Psychology section at the National Research Agency as a scientific manager. I am member of the editorial boards of PLOS ONE and Psicológica, and co-editor of the popular science journal Ciencia Cognitiva. I am also member of UAM’s Ethical Review Board. A long time ago, I used to be a science blogger. I haven’t written a post in years, but you can still read my old posts in the last tab of this website (most of them in Spanish only, sorry). I am not terribly active on social networks, but you can follow me on Twitter and Bluesky.